Who doesn’t like having a coffee or a hot brew in the morning? However, many of us use the convenience of buying our drinks from a café or bistro, but with these hot drinks (and many cold drinks) comes single use disposable cups.
If you thought that these single use cups are recyclable, you would be wrong. Many are lined with a plastic and that claim to be biodegradable are not 100% biodegradable, which means the plastic breaks down into microparticles. Every year millions of disposable cups end up in landfill.
Each of us can in our own small way can do something to remedy this problem, by switching to reusable cups. Why don’t you invest in a reusable, refillable option? And believe me, your coffee taste so much better coming from glass, porcelain or stainless steel.
Ditch the disposable coffee cup
Another step to being earthly passionate. Enjoy your weekend,
Attracta & the earthly passion team