One person's trash is another's treasure

If you are going through your clothes or the kids clothes don't make the waste dump your first stop. When you want to ditch old items even toys, kitchen utensils, tools, etc., first try to recycle. Bring them to your local op shop or better still, contact a charity like St Vinnies, Smith Family, etc. They will come and collect them from your home. And if you are in need of cash, why not sell them. Other people are always on the lookout for cheap, but good quality goods. Try eBay, Gumtree, Facebook.etc.
If you are game for more:
Now, I know a few people are a bit funny about using second hand clothes, but you really don’t know what you are missing. There is a treasure trove of good quality clothes to be found at your local op shops and vintage clothing sellers. I have found some great dresses for going out and I can tell they have only been used a few times. Sometimes I alter clothes, by making a few changes. So, if you are any good at sewing, you can make your own unique style.
If you are renovating your house, don’t forget that garage sales and markets can be great for finding bits and pieces for the home.
Have an earthly passionate weekend rumaging through op shops and markets,
Attracta & the earthly passion team