Dont't waste water

So how can you not waste water in the home? You know how you need to run the hot tap to get hot water. Well, instead of wasting water why don't you collect it. In our household we use an old juice bottle (and I mean old - we have had for over 4 years) to collect the running water in the kitchen and we use it for our pets and watering potted plants.

In the showers, we leave basins to collect the cold water before it warms up and we use this water in the garden and even to wash the shower and the sinks.

Hey, if you don't like the look of the bottle or basins, find other collection vessels or just hide them when visitors come around.
If you are game for more
Other ways to save water are:
Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or shaving.
Use a watering can in the garden or get a control release spraying head for your hose.
Save grey water to water flowering beds. Check if it is suitable for vegetables (depends on what detergents you use).
Keep cold water in the fridge so you don't run the tap to get cool water for drinking.