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Writer's picture: Attracta RoachAttracta Roach

I know for a lot of people going green seems to be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. For some people it is the fear of changing their lifestyle completely, while for others its “what difference can I make”. It is not something that happens overnight, but we have put together 10 simple ways you can make the change and be on your way to living a greener life.

1. Shop locally

Farmers markets are sprouting up everywhere giving a chance for the local growers and farmers to sell their goods locally. This means fresher produce with less energy spent on transit and packaging. Also, don’t forget your local butcher and grocer. Although some of their goods have come from further away, unlike the larger supermarkets they support local producers and less packaging. Not only is it more efficient (closer to home), you will get to know your community, get out in the fresh air and even have a good time.

2. Don’t forget the reusable shopping bags

This is something that takes a bit of getting use to (or remembering). Ditch the shop plastic bags and instead bring a tote bag. No excuse, with so many designs around you don’t need to look daggy. Baskets are even a good option, especially if you are going to the market.

3. Drive Less, Move More

Time to get walking or get your peddaling shoes on! Not only is walking and cycling good for the environment, but your health will benefit. We do understand that these methods may not an option if you live far away from work, but if not, take public transport or limit your driving. Always ensure your car serviced regularly and the tyres are pumped, to make your car more fuel efficient.

4. Lighting

Sometimes all we need to do is open the curtains to get good natural light. During the day in many offices, artificial light is used when sometimes all that is needed is to open the blinds. Where this is not possible make the choice to switch to better eco-friendly lighting and reduce your energy use as well as the cost of replacing light bulbs.

5. Less is more

Remove those unwanted and unused items in your life, but don’t replace with more stuff. Instead become a Minimalist. Choose good quality clothes that will last a long time, but can be used in a variety of ways (casual, business like, formal, etc). It will make your life less stressful and you will have less to clean . The same with household goods. We accumulate stuff only to throw it out into the rubbish in about 6 months. Stop spending for the sake of spending. Also, getting rid of something you don’t use any longer, means you can donate for someone else to use.

6. Green up your cleaning

Switch to natural cleaning products both in the laundry and around the home. Skip the dryer and opt for drying naturally.

7. Surround yourself with plants

Indoor plants help clear the air of toxins. Creating an environment free of toxin compounds or poisons may seem impossible since, as much of our furniture and everyday household items contain one or more of the household toxins, but having indoor plants and improving your ventilation can improve the air quality in your home. Remember the choice of furniture you make, can make a huge difference.

If you have space outdoors, grow plants that will attract native wildlife. Consider growing some fruit and veg, which will help you save money on your grocery bill. It doesn’t have to be big – a herb pot is a good start. Flowering plants will encourage bees and birds, not only by adding colour to your garden, but by helping to promote the health of these natural pollinators.

8. Start Composting

We waste a lot of food, particularly fruit and veg that ends up in landfill. Many things in your kitchen can be spared from going into the rubbish bin. Instead why not compost.

9. Unplug

Remember to switch off electronic items when not in use. Many items such as TVs and electronic gaming machines are put into Standby, rather than switching off, but this means the electronics are still using electricity.

Also, do you really need to have all the lights switched on? Are you using every room?

10. Reduce, reuse and recycle

People see these words and think old, second-hand items. Yes, that is part of it, but it is not all bad. Actually it might surprise you what reducing what you use, recycling where you can and reusing many everyday items will be like. Time to learn how the the R’s can help you, your community, and the environment by saving money, energy, and natural resources. Make a start by ditching disposable cups, plastic bottles and plastic dinner sets. You might like to look at what we have to offer: .

Just start

Yes, just start! It can be as simple as reducing your shower time. You don’t have to make dramatic change to your lifestyle, just take one of these steps and make it a habit. Once you have mastered a step, then try another.

Have fun making the change to be earthly passionate,

Attracta & the earthly passion team.

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