Hi there, I'm back again to continue our discussion on how we started to become green. Hope you liked the steps we discussed on Monday, but if you feel some of the steps were too difficult to take on, here you will find some more handy hints that might be good to start with. As I said, take it step by step - if you try to do too much too soon, it might make your road to becoming green difficult. Also, you might find listing your reasons for change as a good way to motivate yourself.

Don't heat an empty house! Use a programmable thermostat if you can.
Buy rechargeable batteries.
Repair your leaky taps and plumbing.
Install a low flow shower-head.
Use LED lights where possible.
Ensure your house is well insulated and that drafts are minimised, by sealing windows and doors.
Use a power company about that uses green power like solar, wind
When it comes time to buy household appliances, buy energy efficient.
Minimise what you use. Do you really need 4 TVs?
Switch power off, rather than leave appliances on stand-by when not in use.
Switch to eco-friendly cleaners and detergents for washing around the house and in the laundry.
Dry clothes on a clothes line.
Email, rather than mailing. You will have a record and will end up with less filing if you reduce your paper use.
Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins at dinner.
Microwave where possible, as the newer models used less energy than current ovens.

Green garden
Start composting. This can be as simple as getting a small composter for the kitchen or setting up a compost pile in your backyard.
Buy a new houseplant. For a greener home
Grow your own food. Start simple by growing herbs in pots. Then you can expand this to vegetables and fruit. You don’t have to have a large area or a garden space. Having a balcony to place a few pots can be enough.
Grow flowers to attract honey bees. Bees are needed to pollinate our gardens and crops.
Use your own cut flowers from your garden, rather than the flower shop.
Make up your own natural pesticides.

I did say this list was long. Just a few more suggestions to give you next week. Let us know what you think or if you have any suggestions.
Hope you are having an earthly passionate day.
Attracta & the team